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Programme Analyst, Women Peace and Security - P2


Job description

COMPANY PRESENTATION UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. We are trusted partners for advocates and decision-makers from all walks of life, and a leader in the effort to achieve gender equality. Find in-depth information on careers with UN Women and related cinfo's support on cinfo.ch: **Background** - UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. - About the Position - UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR1325, 2000) is the landmark resolution on women, peace and security (WPS) that links gender equality to the maintenance of international peace and security. WPS agenda is a significant international normative and policy framework, because it addresses the gender-specific impacts of conflict, political crisis, displacement, disaster, violent extremism, and mass atrocities on women and girls. Two decades and nine resolutions after, WPS agenda continues to expand its foot in global policy making. - Indonesia is one of the lead ASEAN Member States to advance WPS agenda in the ASEAN region, particularly around issues of conflict prevention, peace mediation and negotiation including counter terrorism (CT) and prevention of violent extremism (PVE), women in peace keeping operation among others. Under the UN Women Indonesia SN-AWP 2021-2025, governance and WPS is one of the programme priorities funded by various donors. It is also fully aligned with Indonesia UNSCDF 2021-2025. - Under the new UN Women's Strategic Plan (2022-2025), UN Women globally aims at contributing to achieving positive social norms, including through engaging men and boys in partnership with other UN Agencies such as UNFPA and UNICEF. In Indonesia, UN Women Indonesia Country Office Programmes are guided by the Strategy Note 2021-2024, that is aligned with UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) signed between the Minister of National Planning and UN system in the country. The Country Office is currently managing three major programmes/portfolio, namely, Women's Economic Empowerment, Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW) and Governance, Peace and Resilience (to include climate change and disaster risk reduction). Working with the triple mandate on normative framework (CEDAW, Social norms programming and coordination is a vital component and cross-cutting theme of all UN Women's work in Indonesia. Under the direct supervision of the Programme Manager/ Team Lead - Governance, Peace, and Resilience with the secondary reporting line to the Project Coordination Specialist, ASEAN WPS, the Programme Analyst is responsible for the management and implementation of the WPS programme in Indonesia, including the monitoring and evaluation (M&E), reporting, and finances of the portfolio. The Programme Analyst will also be mainly responsible for developing and implementing country strategy for advocacy, coordination, and engagement with multi-stakeholders at the national levels to advance WPS in Indonesia and strengthening cross-thematic coordination within UN Women Indonesia and with other UN agencies working on WPS. **Duties and Responsibilities** **1. Provide substantive technical support to the implementation and management of the WPS programme including communication for social norms change** - Coordinate the overall Programme work plan development and implementation according to the project/programme documents; - Lead the coordination and liaise with WPS regional and national counterparts especially with relevant government agencies, donors, UN Women and partners to ensure the Programme results are achieved and resources are managed; - Prepare and present work-plans, periodic narrative progress reports and expenditures status reports; - Establish systems for project planning, implementation and monitoring, in collaboration with partners; Record and maintain documents on relevant Programme - , issues, and risks. Implement and manage social norm change - and communication actions in the WPS projects implemented in Indonesia, including collaborating with internal and external partners to provide operational and technical support to implement social norm change strategies. - Contextualize and contribute to the effectiveness implementation of social norm/behavioral change programs/projects/components and make recommendations for continuous improvement; - Ensure that strategies to integrate social norms/behavior change into WPS programming can leverage UN Women thematic programme on WEE, EVAW, Governance and Disaster Risks Reduction and Humanitarian Action; - Help

Job Summary

Published On: Thu, 16 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT

Company: cinfo


Location: Jakarta
